Keep in mind, a small fee typically between $5-15 is usually requested to manage the transaction to attribute to licensure upkeep and expense. Contracting a notary to supervise the performance of the bill of sale can usually be carried out at a local bank or credit union or by performing an online search for area notaries. Taking the extra measure to enlist a notary to oversee endorsement of the form will further enforce the agreement. Notary publics perform notarization by witnessing the signature of an agreement, contract, deed, or power of attorney and they are licensed to do so. Not all documents of this nature necessarily require notarization, although it will provide authentication to verify the document after the fact independently. Why Should I Elect to use a Notarized Bill of Sale?

The signatures of the associated individuals taking part in the transaction can then endorse the document to be authenticated by an accredited notary to bind the contract legally. This form records the specific information involving the buyer, seller, item or items being transferred, notary, purchase price, and date of sale. A Notarized bill of sale form is a material agreement that has been witnessed by an official notary public to substantiate the commemoration of a transaction involving the sale of an item or items in exchange for a designated monetary amount.