554840=Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass DLC.530760=Hearts of Iron IV: Together for Victory.486950=Hearts of Iron IV: Original Soundtrack.461800=Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack.460610=Hearts of Iron IV: German Historical Portraits.460600=Hearts of Iron IV: Poland - United and Ready.460559=Hearts of Iron IV: Rocket Launcher Unit Pack.460558=Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Radio Music Pack.460557=Hearts of Iron IV: German March Order Music Pack.

460556=Hearts of Iron IV: British Tanks Unit Pack.460555=Hearts of Iron IV: US Tanks Unit Pack.460554=Hearts of Iron IV: Soviet Tanks Unit Pack.460553=Hearts of Iron IV: Heavy Cruisers Unit Pack.460552=Hearts of Iron IV: Famous Battleships Unit Pack.460551=Hearts of Iron IV: French Tanks Pack.460550=Hearts of Iron IV: German Tanks Pack.The game is already Pre-Installed and ready to run the game, read the instruction below. This is Full release and latest version of game included DLC. Take control of the maritime territories and help your commander-in-chief gain a common victory in this war. Mount new sheets of armor, install heavy guns and improve the characteristics of the entire ship as a whole in order to gain the upper hand again during the battle. Successful operations will be awarded by the command, as a result you will receive funds and materials to strengthen and improve your fleet.

Take part in sea battles, destroy the enemy and earn much-needed experience. Slow, but roomy ships will be needed for you to transfer ground troops and deliver fighters to the desired point. Combine high-speed vessels together and create several fleets for fast and unexpected attacks. At your disposal is a lot of ships with different characteristics: tonnage, weapons, speed. In the game Hearts of Iron 4 Man the Guns, you have to take on the role of admiral and lead the navy.

Control over the water space will make it possible to block the supply of weapons, thereby bringing closer the overall victory over the enemy. Sea battles amaze with their scope and the amount of equipment involved. Hearts of Iron 4 v1.12.14 + All DLC Free Download Torrent